Tuesday 21 January 2014

Baking Therapy

So, there are couple reasons why I started this blogspot of Jen Sum's Sweet Cravings my primary reason is mostly I love baking and trying out new recipes that I find in other baking blogs. The baked goods are just so gorgeous and looks so delicious that I too have to try making it. As a side note, I am not a professional baker and I am not at all an expert on baking. I would have to say that I am actually a beginner baker and I learn from trial and error. Anyways, second reason why I decided to start a blogspot is mainly to compile my favorite recipes that I find. I am a very disorganised person so I end up loosing my favorite recipes that I have tried before. So by putting it on my blog, everything is in one place and I can always refer back to the recipes which will make my life sooo much easier. Lastly, I wanted to document my baking adventure. Baking for me is my therapy. I'm sure I'm not the only one who can relate to this. When I bake after such a stressful day at work, all that stress just melts away and I'm in my moment where the only thing that matters is the cup of flour, the creaming of butter and sugar and decorating the finished product. After everything is said and done I created my own masterpiece in front of me and best of all it's a little sweet treat for my family and co workers to enjoy. There's something about having a cupcake that makes you smile and brightens up your day. So,  after all this blabbing I just want to say if you are reading my blog I apologise for the plain content and text. Enjoy and have a sweet day!! :)

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